What We Do

Dimaps is how to know exactly where.
Precision is at the core of everything we do.

In recent years, home deliveries have skyrocketed driven by e-commerce and logistics breakthroughs.  This new competitive battleground brings the challenge of meeting customers’ ever-higher expectations for accurate orders and on-time home deliveries. To win customer loyalty and stand out among the competition, leading media, retail and logistics companies need higher levels of productivity and precision.

Our software can optimize logistics and routing of parcels, media and groceries as well as waste collection and recycling.

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Local Knowledge & GIS
all in one place

The Dimaps GIS Database captures structured and variable data fields to create a real-world path to each successful and repeatable delivery.

AdDRESs, History and updates
household profile & demograpHics
Delivery PREFERENCES, drop points
Road conditions, construction

     Cloud-based Software

Your Dimaps solution is always on and always up to date with the latest features

      Flexible Solutions

Dimaps software is integrated with your existing logistics systems to meet your specific business needs.

      Responsive Service

Dimaps experts are always ready to support our customers across the globe